Thursday, 10 October 2019

Birmingham Tech Week

Jane Lambert

Birmingham Tech Week is taking place right now. The Tech Wek's website described it as a collaborative series of events across the city and city region between 7 and 13 Oct to highlight Birmingham’s tech scene and focus on a number of innovative topics. The events taking place this week are listed here.

The topics to be discussed include;
  • artificial intelligence
  • autonomous vehicles
  • 5G (mobile communications technology)
  • FinTech (financial services technology)
  • health tech, 
  • IOT (internet of things)
  • VR (virtual reality), and
  • women in technology. 
Speakers are from The Alan Turing Institute, Amazon, Barclays, BBC, Deliveroo, IBM Watson, National Express, NatWest, PWC, Salesforce and Uber.   Readers can listen to some of the presentations on YouTube,

My chambers have recently opened an annexe at 2 Snow Hill which hosts some of the leading law firms in Birmingham.  One of them held a reception earlier today which I attended with several of my London colleagues, our Chief Executive and one of our clerks.  One of the topics we discussed was Birmingham Tech Week as well as the tech sector in the West Midlands in general, its needs and how we could assist its businesses and investors.  I see a lot of opportunities there.

Anyone wishing to discuss this article or any of the topics mentioned in it is welcome to call me on 020 7404 5252 during office hours or send me a message through my contact page.

Thursday, 11 July 2019

Small Claims IP Litigation in Birmingham

Author Highways Agency Licence CC BY 2.0 Source Wikipedia Birmingham

Jane Lambert

One of the most interesting announcements of the new Intellectual Property Enterprise Court Guide is the decision to appoint from October 2019 district judges to hear small intellectual property claims in Birmingham (see The New IPEC Guide 4 July 2019 NIPC News).

The cases that those district judges will be entitled to hear pursuant to CPR 63.27 will be claims for £10,000 or less for the infringement of intellectual property rights other than patentsregistered and registered Community designssemiconductor topographies and plant varieties. In Small IP ClaimsI gave examples of cases that might be suitable for the small claims track and of others that would not.  The claimant must ask for the claim to be allocated to the small claims track in its particulars of claim and no objection should be raised by the defendant.   However, even if a case falls within the jurisdiction of the small claims track and the parties want it to stay there, the court may transfer it to the multitrack if it is likely to take more than a day to try or there is a difficult point of law or factual issue to decide.

Proceedings in the small claims track are governed by CPR Part 27 and the Part 27 Practice Direction as modified by CPR 63.27 and CPR 63.28 and paragraph 63.32 of the Part 63 Practice Direction.  Though successful claimants can obtain final injunctions and orders for delivery up of infringing materials as well as damages or accountable profits they cannot claim interim injunctions.  Liability and the amount of any damages or other pecuniary relief to be awarded are decided at the same time.  Directions are given automatically in accordance with Appendix B or of the Part 27 Practice Direction after statements of case are exchanged and although the court has power under CPR 27.6 to hold preliminary hearings these are the exception rather than the rule. There is no provision for disclosure and the costs that may be recovered from an unsuccessful party are limited to court fees, £260 if an injunction is sought and a lawyer has been instructed, travelling expenses and loss of earnings up to £95 per witness and up to £750 in experts' fees.

The new IPEC guide indicates that those wishing to bring an IP case in the small claims track in Birmingham should use the electronic filing system.

Anyone wishing to discuss this article or small claims track IP litigation generally should call me on 020 7404 5252 or send me a message through my contact page.